Science, Arts and Crafts Exhibition,2022 held in the Vidyalaya

The annual Science,Arts and Crafts Exhibition for the session 2022-23 was held in the vidyalaya on 26th Nov,2022 on the Focal theme- "Innovative Technology for Sustainable Ecosystem and Well-Being". Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh,Vice-Chancellor,Dhanamanjuri University, Imphal and Shri A.Gitchandra Sharma,Head of Programme,All India Radio graced the exhibition as the Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively. Dr.Kh.Rakesh,Senior Scientific Officer,MASTEC and Mr. Ningthoujam Shyamkishor Singh,Science Communicator,Science Teacher Forum,Manipur were the respected judges of the exhibition.The exhibition was held for the sub-junior,junior and senior sections together.
Some of the sub-themes include :
-Advancement in Information and Communication Technology.
-Mathematics for Us.
-Impact of Global Warming Towards Climate Change.
-Social & Cultural Practices for Ecosystem and Health.
-Technological Innovation for Ecosystem and Health.
-Fostering Health, Nutrition & Well-Being.
-Innovative Technology for Sustainable Agriculture,etc
Our students came up with a lot of creative ideas,models ,designs and solutions based on these themes. Some of these projects are on advance topics like face detection,block chain technology,Artificial Intelligence,Hologram 3D,IoT(Internet of things),etc. Environment related topics were also well covered- Reuse of plastic, Eco-Friendly materials,Power house of Ecosytem'Green city Model',Bio-Plastic,Wind Energy,etc. Interesting models were displayed for the Atmosphere,Solar system and lunar eclipse,Volcano eruption, Water Cycle,etc . Various innovative solution models were also displayed- Green Toilet,Smart crop protection,Rain water harvesting,etc...the list goes on and on.
The arts and crafts section was also outstanding with fabulous works of art from our students. Our guests were amazed and much impressed with the displays of our students. A proud moment for the school, a bright future ahead for our students.