Essay Competition Prize distributed to the winners

A prize distribution ceremony for the winners of the essay competition conducted for Classes VII to XII was held in the school. The Essay competition was held in three languages viz. english,hindi and manipuri. The topics in the english section were 'Merits and demerits of festivals on stdent's life' - Classes VII&VIII, 'Impact of 2nd Oct on youngsters'- Classes IX&X, 'Festivals and their socio-cultural impacts'- Classes XI&XII. For the manipuri section, it was a common topic for all -'Harao kumhei gi aphaba amasung fattaba' differentiated only by the word limits.In the hindi section there were two topics - 'Tyoharon ka mahatwa'-Classes VII&VIII , 'Swatch Bharat' - Classes IX&X.
Our students participated with much anticipation and excitement. it was a tough competition with students coming up with their original ideas,creativity and writing skills. Such competetions are meant to bring out the writer in our students inspiring them to improve and hone their writing and thinking skills.