18 Feb, 2025
An activity Day with Parents on the theme " A day in the life of an RKSDVian" and an Exhibition - A celebration of creativity, learning and innovation was held in the pangei campus of RKSDV on the 1st of Feb,2025. Parents , along with schools are an essential andcritical part of the child’s learning and development process. ...

13 Feb, 2025
The handing over ceremony of the present school and house captains with the new captains of the session 2025-26 was held in the school assembly ground on the 22nd of Jan,2025. The outgoing captains led the march past and took charge of their houses for one last time. It was an emotional moment too as the outgoing capatins shared their experience an...

13 Feb, 2025
A one day workshop on Interpersonal and Communication Skills was conducted on Saturday, the 27th of April,2024 for the students of Classes 6-9, in two sessions by JCRE Skills and Solutions.

07 Nov, 2024
A Recital Competition on Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Address at the World's Parliament of Religion- was organized by The Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Manipur Vibhag on the 18th of Oct,2024 at Bal Vidya Mandir,Imphal. Students from top schools of Manipur competed in this event.Our students Archana Laishram of class 9 secured the third position wh...

03 Sep, 2024
The RKSDV Inter-House Quiz Competition-2024 for juniors was held on the 2nd of Sept,2024 in the School Campus. Our students from the different houses battled it out in 10 rounds of knowledge test in various fields and areas. Blue House team came out victorious, closely followed by Green House as the runners-up team.It was quite an exciting event wi...

03 Sep, 2024
The RKSDV Inter-House Debate Competition for the session 2024-25 was held on the 30th Aug,2024 in the School Assembly Hall. Students representing the four houses debated for and against the motion " Excessive dependence on Artificial Intelligence will lead to decline in human creativity". Blue house emerged as the winner and Green House as the runn...

07 Aug, 2024
A Spell Bee Competition was held in the school campus for the junior students on 5th Aug,2024. It was conducted in two Categories, Category -I : Class III & IV, Category-II: Class V & VI .Yellow House emerged as the winner in both the categories while Green House and Blue House were runners-up for the categories- I & II respectively. Th...

11 Jul, 2024
A one-week summer camp was held from the 10th-15th June,2024 for the students of Class 4-12. During this camp,our students were given exposure and training in various fields like arts & crafts, swimming ,hip-hop dancing ,western music etc. There was a nature walk and bird watching activity in the school campus, too.

08 May, 2024
A Social Skills and Self-Awareness Wokshop was conducted in the Vidyalaya on the 20th of April, 2024 By Dr. Vidyarani Gurumayum for the students of Class 10 & 12. Social Skills are interpersonal skills that are necessary for successful communications and social interactions.

14 Dec, 2023
The 29th Annual Sports Meet for the session 2023-24 was held in RK Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya, Pangei on the 8th & 9th of Dec,2023 as a part of the Fit India Week -2023 program. This event is held every year to focus on the physical well-being of our students along with their mental and academic development.Fun games, activities and various games...

26 Sep, 2023
In remembrance and honour of our founder late Padmashri Thongram Haridas Singh and R.K.Sanatombi Devi , a small and sombre function was held in the vidyalaya premises on the 15th of Sept,2023. Students and staffs of the vidyalaya offered prayers and paid floral tributes to our respected founders. Our staffs also shared their fond me...

26 Apr, 2023
A teacher training program on 'Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies' for the teachers under the aegis of CBSE Capacity Building Program was held in our school campus on the 24th of April ,2023.This program was attended by staffs from various CBSE schools like Arecca School, S.V.Getwell School, Kanan Devi Memorial School,DAV Public school,JNV-Imph...

07 Jan, 2023
The 28th Annual Sports Meet of the vidyalaya was held on the 22nd and 23rd of Dec,2022. Shri Sapam Nishikant Singh,Member-Manipur Legislative Assemble and Chairman,Privilege & Ethics Committee,Manipur graced the function as the Chief guest along with other esteemed guests.The Annual Sports meet is held every year in the month of dec for the Sub...

06 Dec, 2022
The annual Science,Arts and Crafts Exhibition for the session 2022-23 was held in the vidyalaya on 26th Nov,2022 on the Focal theme- "Innovative Technology for Sustainable Ecosystem and Well-Being". Prof. N. Rajmuhon Singh,Vice-Chancellor,Dhanamanjuri University, Imphal and Shri A.Gitchandra Sharma,Head of Programme,All India Radio graced the exhib...

18 Nov, 2022
A prize distribution ceremony for the winners of the essay competition conducted for Classes VII to XII was held in the school. The Essay competition was held in three languages viz. english,hindi and manipuri. The topics in the english section were 'Merits and demerits of festivals on stdent's life' - Classes VII&VIII, 'Impact of 2nd Oct on yo...

09 Nov, 2022
A free dental check up camp was organised for the students and staffs of the vidyalaya on 22nd October 2022 by Brunaty Dental Care and Shijacity Dental hospital,Keishampat Sega Road, in our pangei campus. Brunaty Dental Care took responsibilty of checking our junior section and ShijaCity Dental hospital took care of our senior section. Ou...

21 Oct, 2022
On the occasion of mid-term exam results declaration, a parent teacher meet was held in the school campus . Students along with their parents/guardians turn up in huge numbers to get the results. Students along with their parents \ guadians are then given one to one feedbacks and counselled for better performance by their respective class tea...

17 Oct, 2022
A career counselling session was conducted for our students of Class XI & XII by some reputed colleges/Universities of the country. Representatives from Symbiosis-Pune,Acharya College-Bangalore,Ashoka University-Haryana,Vignan University-Andhra Pradesh amd Indian Intitute of Art and design-NCR participated in this session. They spok...

15 Sep, 2022
The Governor’s Award and RK Sanatombi Devi Award distribution for the year 2022 was held on the 15th of September ,2022 at Asha Jina complex, North AOC,Imphal. Shri La. Ganesan,Hon’ble Governor of Manipur, Shri Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Govt. of Manipur and Dr. RK Nimai Singh, IAS (Retd), Chair...

30 Aug, 2022
This year the students of Rajkumari Sanatombi Devi Vidyalaya have participated in the online DSMUN(Doon School Model United Nations ) conference organised by The Doon School, Dehradun. The DSMUN is the largest student-run MUN in India, attracting students from across the nation.The conference lasted for three days from 18th August'2...

16 Aug, 2022
The Patriot's Day function was observed in our school to pay homage to our brave forefathers and commemorate the Anglo-Manipuri War of 1891. Floral tributes were paid by the staffs and students to our forefathers who laid down their lives fighting against the British for our motherland. Our students enacted various plays to remember the heroic acts...

06 Aug, 2022
The Wushu Queen of our school,Hanjabam Langlentombi, studying in class XI of the Vidyalaya, has bagged a Gold and a Silver medal for India so far, in the Junior Category of the ongoing Batumi Open International Wushu Tournament,2022, being held at the Batumi Sports Palace,Asaliani,Georgia,Europe. She is the daughter of Shri Hanjabam...

20 Jul, 2022
The EY STEM App has been launched in partnership with the EY Foundation, for the first time in Manipur in our vidyalaya.It is an innovative gamified learning app developed by Ernst &Young (EY) that aims to inpire and encourage young girls aged 13-18 years to pursue STEM careers. STEM is an integrated learning approach that consists o...

20 Jul, 2022
Fiery debates, raging creativity in on spot storytelling and display of raw talent in the illustration competition, dominated the scene in high school, while middle school had declamation and elocution competitions as the mainstay of their event line-up.Preparation for the lit fest began three weeks before the event with the logistics team, along w...

11 Jul, 2022
April 3, 2020: Contributing to the need of the hour, RK Sanatombi Devi Educational Institutions made a donation to the Chief Minister's COVID 19 Relief Fund. The donation comprised of a day's salary from our Teaching and Non Teaching staff and contribution from the Institution's Management.Our prayers for all to stay safe, healthy and compass...